0. Introduction

a) How were numbers used to create some of the properties of the universe that are familiar to us? How does the very existence of the universe PROVE that a divine Being MUST exist?

1. The creation of chemistry

a) Discoveries are constantly made in chemistry. Chemistry, unlike geology, does not have its theories consistently revamped by newer one. All substances are composed of combinations of a variety of elements. Elements are one of a class of substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means. The way in which the elements are arranged may seem complex but there is a design behind it.

i) When magnetized all elements fall into 2 classes. There is a class that arranges itself in the direction of west and east and does so at 90 degree angles to the magnetic force lines. The other class arranges itself to align with our magnetic pole.

ii) Monads are elements which combine with one and only one atom. Elements that come together with 2 atoms of another substance are called Dyads. Those that combine with three atoms are Triads, etc.

iii) Some of the most important elements are a multiple of either 4 or 7 (or very closely so). The atomic weight of iron (Chemical symbol: Fe) is 56 (7 x 8), silver's weight (Ag) is about 108 (4 x 27), copper's weight (Cu) is around 63 (7 x 9), carbon's weight (C) is 12 (3 x 4), mercury's weight (Hg) is 200 (4 x 50), etc.

Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements

Periodic table of Chemical Elements
b) The periodic table of the chemical elements is a tabular display of the 118 known elements. Although they were formerly arranged in the order of their atomic weights, the above table lists them by increasing atomic number, which is the count of protons found in the nucleus of the atom. 
