1. Important people in the Old Testament

a) Michal

i) One of Saul's daughters who became the first wife of King David. She was childless through David.

b) Miriam

i) Prophetess who is sister of Moses and Aaron. Led song of triumphant after Red Sea closed and Egyptian army killed (Exodus 15). Jealousy of Moses led to being stricken with leprosy, which Moses prayed to God to heal (Numbers 12).

c) Moab

i) Lot's son, born from incestuous relationship with Lot's older daughter.

d) Mordecai

i) Uncle of Queen Esther who helped save the Jewish people in captivity from total destruction.

e) Moses

i) A Levite who, when born in 1525 B.C., was hid in a small basket to avoid being killed. Was found and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter (Exodus 2). Moses is educated and learns how to govern in the court of Pharaoh. At the age of forty he sees an Egyptian beating up on a Hebrew and kills the man. His act is discovered and he flees to Midian.

ii) Moses joins himself to a priest of Midian named Jethro. He soon marries his daughter Zipporah and spends forty years as a herdsman in the desert of Horeb.

iii) Moses sees a miraculous vision of a burning bush and receives his calling from God to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. With his brother Aaron (who acted as spokesman) he travels back to Egypt and demands the children of Israel be set free. After a series of ten plagues, brought on due to the hardness of Pharaoh's heart, the Israelites leave Egypt in 1445 B.C.

iv) Moses receives the Ten Commandments directly from God (Exodus 19-20). Because of the Israelites lack of faith, Moses and the entire nation wander the wilderness for forty years. During his wandering Moses writes the first five books of the Bible. He dies in 1405 B.C at the age of 120 years.

f) Nahum

i) One of the minor prophets. Gave prophecies concerning the judgment of Nineveh and offered comforting words to Israel.

g) Naomi

i) Mother-in-law of Ruth who lost husband and both her sons. Ruth, who was also a widow, accompanies her to Bethlehem. 
