1. Grace for the Moment

a) "Grace for the Moment" is a collection of thoughts that are inspirational. They are intended to encourage, to give hope, and to inspire the viewers.

b) Reading a thought can change the way you think about something.

2. Scripture Verse

i) Matthew 4:19 New Century Version (NCV)

19 Jesus said, “Come follow me, and I will make you fish for people.”

3. Thoughts

a) God is an inviting God. He invited Mary to birth His Son, the disciples to fish for men, the adulteress woman to start over, and Thomas to touch His wounds. God is the King who prepares the palace, sets the table, and invites His subjects to come in.

b) In fact, it seems His favorite word is "Come."

c) "Come, let us talk about these things. Though your sins are like scarlet, they can be as white as snow."

d) "All you who are thirsty, come and drink."

e) "Come to me all, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads, and I will give you rest"...

f) God is a God who invites. God is a God who calls.   
