1. The Great Tribulation

a) Ever since sin came into the world, there has been much sorrow and trouble. The earth often shakes and storms are common in the world. Famine and sickness are well known all over the world. Wars have caused the death of millions throughout history.

b) But the Bible speaks of the great tribulation, Revelation 7:14. We can read about it in Matthew 24:4-29. In verse 21 of this chapter it is called the greatest tribulation since the beginning of the world. In Revelation chapters 6-18 we find out more about it in picture form. It will be a time of trouble greater than people have ever seen before. Perhaps it will begin with an attack on faithful Jews who will not bow down before any image. Then it could spread to all Jews. God allows them to be persecuted because as a nation the Jews rejected His Son. Then, as has so often happened in the past, Jew-hating Gentiles will go too far and God will pour out His wrath upon the nations as well.

c) Will this suffering cause men to repent? Not at all. At first they will be filled with fear, Revelation 6:15-17. Later they will actually curse God.

i) They repented not... they blasphemed the God of heaven, Revelation 9:20-21; 16:9, 11.

d) Perhaps we have here the main reason for the tribulation. God has always been gracious to man, yet man goes on in sin. Someone might say, "If God would punish man for his sin while he is still living, he would know God is angry, and turn to God and repent." Even when God shows His wrath in the fullest way, man does not repent. The great tribulation proves this.

e) When will this take place? The great tribulation comes after the church is taken away to heaven, Revelation 3:10, and before Christ returns in glory. How long will it last? It will not last long, Matthew 24:22. Daniel the prophet spoke of a week of seven years of desolation, Daniel 9:27. The first three and one-half years may be rather quiet. But the last half or three and one-half years will be terrible tribulation. Where will true Christians be during this time? Safe with Jesus in heaven. 
