1. The Kingdom of God

a) The spiritual DNA of God is implanted into the believer.

Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever, (1 Peter 1:23 NKJV). 

b) The believer now has a new spiritual nature which desires to walk with God in love and righteousness.

c) It has always been God’s desire that He would live inside of you and you inside of Him in the most intimate relationship possible. The tabernacle in the Old Covenant actually represented this. In the tabernacle there was an outer court which would represent your physical body. Inside of that was the holy place which represents your soul; and inside of that was the Holy of Holies, the place where God dwells, which represents your spirit. In the new covenant you are God’s tabernacle.

d) You are made of spirit, soul, and body. Your body is the physical part of you. Your soul is your personality, your mind and your emotions. Your soul is your heart that is spoken of in the Bible. Your soul processes information which you receive from your physical senses and your spiritual senses. Your soul is the decision maker and it controls what you believe and what you are conscious of. Your physical body has influence on your soul through physical desires. Your spirit, which is connected to God, is conscious of God’s thoughts and feelings. God speaks to you from inside your spirit. 
