1. Uncover Bible Names 

a) The Bible is an historic record of real people and places. Find out and learn who's who, their relationships, and the meaning of their names.

2. Agrippa II

a) Born at Rome, A.D. 27.

b) He was the brother of Bernice and Drusilla. The Emperor Claudius (A.D. 48) invested him with the office of superintendent of the Temple of Jerusalem, and made him governor (A.D. 50) of Chalcis. He was afterwards raised to the rank of king, and made governor over the tetrarchy of Philip and Lysanias (Acts 25:13; 26:2, 7).

c) It was before him that Paul delivered (A.D. 59) his speech recorded in Acts 26. His private life was abandoned to vice. He died at Rome, at the age of about seventy years, A.D. 100. 
