1. Take heed Lest You Fall!

a) Take heed.

@1. Jeremiah 6:10 TLB
"[10] But who will listen when I warn them? Their ears are closed, and they refuse to hear. The word of God has angered them; they don't want it at all."

@2. Jeremiah 25:7 TLB
"[7] But you won't listen; you have gone ahead and made me furious with your idols. So you have brought upon yourselves all the evil that has come your way."

@3. Isaiah 42:20 TLB
"[20] You see and understand what is right but won't heed nor do it; you hear, but you won't listen."

@4. Jeremiah 25:4 TLB
"[4] Again and again down through the years, God has sent you his prophets, but you have refused to hear."

b) Warning!

@1. Psalm 28:5 TLB
They care nothing for God or what he has done or what he has made; therefore God will dismantle them like old buildings, never to be rebuilt again. 
