1. Money

a) Money is not everything even though we have to work to earn some money so that we can fulfill our daily obligations. It is not evil but it is merely a means for exchange. Worse still is that the love of money that is a root of all kinds of evils (1 Timothy 6:10). 

b) You would find that the heart of man changes quickly for no good reasons when it comes to money. Promises are broken. Trust betrayed.

c) Money is only a medium. Hoarding money will not do you any good if your pressing needs are not met. Yes, it is wise to save some money for raining season. 

d) When you are sick, money does you no good unless you use it to seek medical treatment. When you have a critical illness, money does you no good unless you use it to get the best medical helps or anything other helps despite the fact that God can heal. 

e) In 1 Corinthians 12:9, it talks about the gifts of healing. The word gifts is plural, which means there are different kinds of healings the Lord will want to do.

f) The Bible also says that you cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). The word mammon is used here. It defines earthly goods; properties; riches. Whatever belongs to the earth will return to earth. You can't take along with you afterlife. 

g) What you need to do is to be a trustworthy steward for money! (1 Corinthians 4:2) 
