1. Survey

a) This section gives a brief survey of each section of Revelation and interpretation based on the best mainstream reference materials available.

2. Satan is Bound for a Thousand Years (Revelation 20:1-10)

a) John sees an angel seize the dragon, Satan, tie it up in chains and throw it into the abyss. The dragon is confined there for a thousand years so it can no longer lead the nations astray. After a thousand years, Satan is released to again deceive the nations of earth for a short time. Then Satan is thrown into the pool of fire and sulfur with the other two beasts to be tormented day and night forever and ever. 

@1. Interpretation: This thousand year period is known as the "millennium," and it has been interpreted many different ways. One common interpretation is that the millennium is the present age - the binding of Satan has already been accomplished by Christ, and His work is carried on by the faithful within the Church. There are also two other common interpretations:

i) Postmillennialism views the millennium as a future period during which the gospel message will eliminate evil from the world and Christ will rule spiritually for a thousand years before the Second Coming. 

ii) Premillennialism views the millennium as a thousand year period between the Second Coming and the final judgment.  
