0. Introduction

a) The Bible Book Introductions are divided into 4 parts (Overview, Vital Statistics, Blueprint, Mega-themes) for easy-to-understand.

1. Blueprint 

@1. The return led by Zerubbabel (1:1-6:22)

i) The first group of exiles returns to the land.

ii) The people rebuild the temple.

a) Finally given the chance to return to their homeland, the people started to rebuild the temple, only to be stopped by opposition from their enemies. God's work in the world is not without opposition. We must not get discouraged and quit, as the returning people did at first, but continue on boldly in the face of difficulties, as they did later with the encouragement from the prophets. 

@2. The return led by Ezra (7:1-10:44)

i) The second group of exiles returns to the land.

ii) Ezra opposes intermarriage. 

a) Ezra returned to Jerusalem almost 80 years after Zerubbabel, only to discover that the people had married pagan or foreign spouses. This polluted the religious purity of the people and endangered the future of the nation. Believers today must be careful not to threaten their walk with God by taking on the practices of unbelievers. 
