(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Jesus, The Bride, And The Martyrs

a) Jesus and His bride, along with the martyrs killed during the Great Tribulation will be ruling the earth. These are God’s most trusted servants. Jesus, who was tried in all points yet without sin, has absolute authority over all sin and unrighteousness. He is one hundred percent united with God’s will.

b) Those who are in the bride of Christ have also conquered sin in their lives. They too have authority to judge and rule in righteousness because they have let God teach them this righteousness throughout their time on earth. God has tested them and they have been purified by fire, in the same way as Jesus. Jesus and His bride will dry away the tears and bring joy and peace to people. But they have no tears of their own to dry away because they are already filled with God’s goodness and joy. 

c) The martyrs of the Great Tribulation have also been tested and will also be along in ruling during the Millennium for they have also given their lives to God, albeit in a different way than the bride. (Revelation 20:4-6) The glory and the responsibility of the bride of Christ will be much greater than that of the martyrs, because their sacrifice was also greater.

d) All of these will work together to ensure that the world grows in peace, harmony, righteousness, and godliness during the Millennium.
