1. Survey

a) This section gives a brief survey of each section of Revelation and interpretation based on the best mainstream reference materials available.

2. The Seven Trumpets (Revelation 8:6 - 11:19)

a) As each of the seven trumpets is blown, a plague is unleashed upon the earth. 

i) First trumpet (Revelation 8:7): Hail and fire mixed with blood burns a third of the land.

ii) Second trumpet (Revelation 8:8-9): A third of the sea is turned to blood and a third of sea life is killed.

iii) Third trumpet (Revelation 8:10-11): A third of all fresh water is poisoned.

iv) Fourth trumpet (Revelation 8:12-13): A third of the sun, moon and stars became dark. An eagle cries "Woe to the inhabitants of earth."

v) Fifth trumpet (Revelation 9:1-12): Locusts that sting like scorpions invade the land.

vi) Sixth trumpet (Revelation 9:13-21): Four angels are released to kill a third of mankind. Despite the warning plagues, the rest of mankind does not repent of their sins.

vii) Interlude (Revelation 10:1-11): John eats a small scroll that is sweet in the mouth but turns the stomach sour.

viii) Interlude (Revelation 11:1-14): John is told of two witnesses who will prophesy for 1260 days, wearing sackcloth.

ix) Seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15-18): Great voices in heaven announce, "The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of God, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever." 

@1. Interpretation: These plagues are similar to the Plagues of Egypt in Exodus 7 - 12. The plagues in Exodus served as a warning to the Egyptian pharaoh to repent. These plagues of partial destruction serve as a warning to the Roman Emperor Domitian to repent. They also foreshadow the total destruction to come later.  
