a) Hear God’s Word to you in Psalm 25:14. “The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.” And in Genesis 3:8. “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day.”
b) God wants to walk with you and talk with you. Welcome Him to come into the garden of your heart and fellowship with Him… no books, no Bible, no sermon, no ritual, no expectations, no agenda. Just be, spending time with Him. Be free of chains of expectation or performance in worship. Your Father’s heart will minister to you, and you will respond in adoration. Be blessed to be filled with new worship that is deeply satisfying to God and that exceeds all your previous definitions of “good worship.”
c) Be blessed in your time with the living God as you are spirit-to-Spirit with Him. Be in touch with the Spirit so that you enter into new communion. Hear the sounds of heaven as you fellowship with Him in intimacy. Let Him touch you deeply. Experience love, trust, and deep emotional satisfaction in Him. Intimate friendship with God is reserved for those who are crazy about Him. Be free to know your First Love and to come into harmony with Him. Nothing compares with intimacy with Him in richness and beauty when you meet Him in surrender and wait on Him in faith, hope, and love.
d) God confided in Abraham and Moses. He called them His friends. Christ said to the disciples, “You are my friends,” and He says to you, “You are my friends if you obey my Father’s commandments.” Friendship with God is cultivated by authenticity in loving obedience. You were designed to live in friendship with Him and share your life with Him. Claim your friendship with God by coming boldly to His throne of grace. Since friendship is mutual, you give to Him, even as He meets the needs of the depths of your being.
e) John 1:14 says that Jesus the Word “became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” His presence is your true home. Sit on His lap, feel His arms around you, listen to His voice, hear His heartbeat. Fall in love with Him. Be bathed in His love and experience His presence. Your true identity is beloved of God, not worker for Him. Know Him intimately, and relentlessly pursue Him with steadfast hunger for more. Live with humility of heart before Him, and ascribe “worth-ship” to Him. Reflect Him in your life.
f) John 1:14 also says, “We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” See His glory that Jesus brought from His Father. Receive the fullness of His grace and truth.
g) Be blessed in the name of the One and Only (John 1:14).
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