1. Sapphires

a) In the Bible, it seems sapphires were likely used by God to adorn a new created Lucifer. Sappiyr is the Hebrew word used for the seventh stone that the Lord used to beautify his creation (Ezekiel 28:13).

b) Five of our ten comparison Bible translations, used in this series, render the word sappiyr as "sapphires," with three others (ESV, HCSB and NIV) stating the stone could also be a lapis lazuli. The NASB translates the word directly as "lapis lazuli" while the NLT renders it "blue lapis lazuli."

c) Even though sapphires are likely one of the stones that adorned Lucifer, the middle stone in the second row of the High Priest's breastplate likely is not. 

d) The Greek word sappheiros is used for sapphires composing the second foundation in the New Jerusalem to be built by God (Revelation 21:19). All ten Bibles in this series translate sappheiros as "sapphires."

e) In modern times, sapphires are not only used in jewelry but also for scientific instruments, impact resistant windows and the inner workings of wristwatches.
