1. Anions

a) Many people do not understand the role or functions of anion fiber. They kind of know something about it but really know nothing.

b) There are 8 major health benefits of anions:

@1. Revitalizing the cells.
@2. Slowing down the aging process.
@3. Managing the allergies.
@4. Improving the cleansing process in the blood for better circulation.
@5. Boosting the immune power.
@6. Regulating autonomic nervous system and lifting stress.
@7. Enhancing metabolic functions.
@8. Others like having a calming effect, improving quality of sleep, increasing appetite, controlling blood pressure, reducing fatigue, and inspiring the person.

ii) All these are 60 years of anion research showed health improvement and disease prevention.

c) Here is one of the many cases that may clear some doubts that you may have.

2. Testimonial

a) Case 34: Constipation, Asthma, Hypotension or Low Blood Pressure.

i) My daughter was constipated when she was two years old. At first, I had not paid enough attention about it and only visited a clinic near my home. However, there was no improvement in her condition and its severity intensified; traditional Chinese medicine and medical doctors were unable to help. We then used the primitive and cruel method, coloclysis, though I worried she might have abnormal defecation. I also worried that her vulnerable intestines might become damaged if she used this method continually. During that time, my friend told me that negative ions could improve my daughter’s problem so I bought the clothing for her. My daughter recovered, but quite unexpectedly, her immunity over colds and her ulcer also improved completely. I bought the products for my family. It improved my mother in-law’s asthmatic condition, my gynecological problem, and my hypotension has improved from 50-80 to 75-110. It is great!

3. Contact Reference

a) Anion fibers are now available in underwear, beddings, eye masks, neck / knee / ankle braces, hats, and socks... you name it! Protect and energize all key body parts and give yourself premium health! (Please note that this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases even though it has some amazing effects).

b) If you are keen to know more, please get in touch with me:

Name: Ms Lynn Choy

Mobile: +6018 203 8380


c) Thank you!
