1. God's Glory

a) What shall happen if you have followed the Lord's instructions?

Leviticus 9:6 TLB
Moses told them, "When you have followed the Lord's instructions, his glory will appear to you."

b) What did Aaron (and Moses) do before the glory of God appeared?

Leviticus 9:22-24 TLB
Then, with hands spread out toward the people, Aaron blessed them and came down from the altar. [23] Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle, and when they came out again they blessed the people; and the glory of the Lord appeared to the whole assembly. [24] Then fire came from the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and fat on the altar; and when the people saw it, they all shouted and fell flat upon the ground before the Lord.

c) What were the duties of Aaron, the priest?

Leviticus 10:10-11 TLB
[10] Your duties will be to arbitrate for the people, to teach them the difference between what is holy and what is ordinary, what is pure and what is impure; [11] and to teach them all the laws Jehovah has given through Moses."

d) What shall happen If you do contrary the the Lord's instructions?

Leviticus 10:1-3 TLB
[1] But Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, placed unholy fire in their censers, laid incense on the fire, and offered the incense before the Lord-contrary to what the Lord had just commanded them! [2] So fire blazed forth from the presence of the Lord and destroyed them. [3] Then Moses said to Aaron, "This is what the Lord meant when he said, 'I will show myself holy among those who approach me, and I will be glorified before all the people.'" And Aaron was speechless.
