a) When we put forth an assertion to influence the minds of others, we should say whether it is the truth, nothing but the truth or some forms of statement.
b) Making some forms of statement may not be the real truth but it may be having some elements of disguised truth arising from our own experiences, our real encounters or we acquired some knowledge from other sources .
c) Because our aim is to influence the minds of others, we need to give the real truth; not half truth which is no truth at all.
d) Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
e) Jesus is the truth. The best way for us is to present Jesus according to God's word (the Bible). We will never go wrong!
f) The people outside are looking for real answers in life and we ought to give them answers that will last for eternity.
g) Everything in this world is temporary and an illusion. We can't take away with us for eternity. Whatever belongs to earth will remain on earth!
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