1. Do You Know The Season?

a) Churches are now facing a huge challenge during this pandemic season. 

b) There is no physical gathering and the church has to resort to on-line service. 

c) There is no way you can tell how many members actually are watching the on-line service. We may guess only the faithful and the loyalists. 

d) Well, if the on-line service is attractive enough and perceived excellent, other people may tune in. But, this is only a virtual number and may not be the actual figure. The virtual number may go up and may go down depending on the evaluation of viewers. 

e) So, it is quite challenging for a church to embark on the new way of working if she wants to survive in this pandemic season. 

f) We don't really know when this pandemic will end but one thing for sure a church can do is to explore new ways to ensure that her flock is being kept intact.

g) The church cannot afford to have a flippant attitude towards what is happening and not know the outcome of it. Therefore it is imperative for now to have a inward looking at what is actually happened inside the church and take remedial actions before it is blown out of proportion.
