This is a full story of our journey we took to fulfill God's assignments to Wuhan, situated on the centre of China. We made 6 consecutive trips in this journey of faith in response to His call. In my e-book, you may find a full account description of seeing what God can do in the midst of His hungry people.

We all love to listen to a great story. Whether a legend, or a book, or a feature film, a story is usually overwhelming (not able to be resisted). But, the most overwhelming stories are the ones that connect with God's story for a greater story! In any great story, there is a beginning. I am going to tell you about what transpired at the beginning of the first wave.

How does it come about?

a) On 20.06.2016, the Lord gave a prophetic word upon my heart that Wuhan is a strategic centre for revival in China.

b) Again, on 08.08.2016 @6.12am, the Lord gave me another word but this time it was for Wuhan, the City representing China.

Prior to this, sometime in March 2016, my friend who came back from China invited me to go to China School of Prophets run by a Malaysian. He was teaching the subject of End Times in the school. The main reason for his invite was because he knew about my prophetic gift and wanted me to accompany him.

At that point of time, I was not keen at all after listening to so many wonderful things in the school. He told about the principal, the academic dean and the Chinese students of the school.

Having no keenness in my heart, I decided to pray for my friend, the principal, the academic dean and the Chinese students coming to the school in November 2016. I did that during my early morning routine walking exercise, that's my devotion time. It was then that the Lord dropped the two prophetic words in my heart.

Because of this, I wrote a Wuhan Prophetic Paper for China. I emailed the prophetic paper to the principal and academic dean of the school. I thought my job was finished.

Lo and behold! It wasn't. I felt the Lord wanted me to go to the school to personally deliver the prophetic paper to some 100 students.

I asked the Lord for two things:

a) The principal must invite me and not my friend. I had not told anyone about this! Not even my friend!

b) If that happens, I want your tangible presence and heavy anointing to be in the midst of the meeting.

The Malaysian principal wanted to speak in Klang house meetings. He asked my friend to organise it. But, it was actually me who organised the 2 meetings for him. More than 30 people came.

It was at the 2nd meeting that my friend brought up the subject of the prophetic paper to the principal. The principal asked me and I briefly told him. He sat there listening and said, "I want you in Wuhan." That was when I knew that the Lord confirmed the assignment for me. I told my wife to book the flights and she was totally surprised! That was the beginning of our journey to Wuhan, China in November 2016.

If you want to know the full story, get a copy of my e-books.


This episode seems to be like a movie but it is a real life story.

On 25 November 2022 (midnight), enroute home from visiting her son in Auckland, my wife Lynn was stricken with several seizures and the plane had to make an emergency landing in Brisbane.

I vividly remembered the night Lynn was having an unexpected seizure on the plane and I called the air stewardess for help. Lynn was brought out from her seat to the pantry area. Then an announcement was made for doctor’s help. Less than 10 passenger doctors responded and came to revive her. A few doctors were from UK, NZ etc. At that time Lynn was having seizure after seizure (5 times). Eventually, the doctors managed to stabilize her, the seizures had lessened.

The doctors said Lynn required emergency hospital treatment. The plane was 7 hours more to reach Kuala Lumpur airport. The Captain made a decision to divert the plane to Brisbane which was the nearest emergency landing.

When I first learnt that the plane was being diverted to Brisbane, Australia, I felt totally lost. I knew that I had nobody there I know to rely on. But, I sensed that God was directing the plane to Brisbane instead of Bali for emergency landing....

If you want to know the full story, get a copy of my e-books.


"Tell a Story" is a collection of personal encounters or testimonies that are firsthand accounts of experiences, events, or situations that people have gone through in their lives. These encounters can be life-changing, uplifting, or even traumatic, and they often involve some level of emotional intensity. 

Testimonies can take many different forms, such as written accounts, spoken stories, or even visual representations such as photographs or videos. Testimonies can be shared for a variety of reasons, including to inspire others, to offer hope, to provide comfort, or to raise awareness about a particular issue or topic.  

Personal encounters can cover a wide range of topics, such as overcoming addiction, finding faith, surviving a natural disaster, recovering from an illness, or experiencing a major life change. They can also cover more universal themes, such as the importance of family, the power of love, or the strength of the human spirit. 

Sharing personal encounters or testimonies can be a powerful way to connect with others and to offer hope and inspiration to those who may be struggling. It can also provide a sense of validation and healing for the person sharing their story.

If you want to know the full story, get a copy of my e-books.


This is an account of letter exchange pertaining to testimony of healing I received many year ago.

If you want to know the full story, get a copy of my e-books.
