(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Straighten priorities

a) Ask God to help you

i) Ask God to help you show love and commitment to your spouse in some tangible ways every day. Be affectionate with one another in way that aren't always about leading to sex. Showing affection to your spouse should be high in your priority list. 

ii) Jesus said, "13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends" (John 15:13 NIV). 

iii) Ask God to show you how to lay down your life - selfish desires - for your spouse in some way every day.

b) Say no to certain things

i) Say no to certain things whenever possible in order to spend time alone with your spouse. Try getting away together, even if it is just overnight. Drive somewhere that will take an hour or two in the car so that you can have time alone without interruption.

ii) If you are married to a workaholic, try to convince your him or her that time away alone would be the best thing for him or her. Time alone together can make a major difference in your relationship.

c) Have a devotion together

i) Have a devotional time together with your spouse as often as you can. If you can't do it every day, then try for at least once a week. If your spouse is resistant to that, ask if you can just read a verse or two of Scripture to him or her.

ii) Praying together is one of the most life-changing things you can do for each other - even if only one of you does the praying. 

The End ...
