1. What is the hidden manna mentioned in the book of Revelation?

a) The first place the word manna (Strong's Concordance #H4478) is mentioned in the Bible is in Exodus 16:15. The word literally means "what is it." The hidden kind that is mentioned is found in Revelation 2:17, where Christ states those who overcome will be given it directly by him.

b) In the book of Exodus verse 4 of chapter 16 states that God rained bread or hidden manna from heaven in order to feed his people after they left Egyptian bondage. This miracle in the wilderness has no counterpart today. It was the staple food for a few million Israelites during their sojourn in the wilderness. This miraculous substance, which was like coriander seed and tasted like honey (Exodus 16:13), was more than just food.

c) During the generations of Egyptian slavery, the Israelites had lost track of God's Sabbath day. As later verses in this chapter show, this daily meal became God’s teaching tool. It taught or revealed the correct day to keep the Sabbath and what was permissible on it (Exodus 16:22 - 30).

d) After the children of Israel received God's law and built a tabernacle in the wilderness, they were commanded to place some manna inside the ark of the covenant (Hebrews 9:4). It was hidden, in a sense, inside an earthen vessel (baked clay) overlaid with gold that was put in the ark.

e) In Mark 2 Jesus revealed to the Pharisees what was permissible on the Sabbath day, just like the bread from heaven taught the ancient Israelites (Mark 2:24 - 28).

f) The apostle John helps tie all this together by recording Jesus' words that link him to the miracle of food raining down from heaven. In chapter 6 verses 49 to 51 Christ states that the children of Israel ate manna in the wilderness but died. He, however, as the Savior of mankind, is the true bread from heaven that if anyone eats they will not die.

g) As previously stated, the hidden manna or bread that the ancient Israelites received was more than just food. It was symbolic of Jesus Christ's life, ministry, and sacrifice that he freely offered to make possible the gift of eternal life. Where, however, is Jesus today? Is he not "hidden" in heaven until he returns to the earth? So, the reference to this miracle food made in Revelation 2:17 appears to mean Jesus Christ. 
