1. Introduction

a) Many consider the fact that man is fallible and commits sin as an excuse that is not acceptable. Man could do better and be perfect, some think, if he only tried harder. According to many theorists, humans are out of control and the direct cause of their own suffering.

b) Does God know what He is doing? Has he lost control of his greatest creation? Has the Creator's plans been thwarted by his creation? Why do we, his greatest creation, have all the problems that we do?

c) It is tiring to hear message and read articles by people who trash God and all he has created. We endure a most rigorous training program called "Life!" Some believe all our Creator can do is whine about how we should do better. People we love die of cancer, accidents, and thousands of diseases. We enter into relationships we hope will endure until death, only to end up hating each other and divorcing. We tenderly raise a child from baby to adulthood only to have it rebel and possibly hate us. We crave certainty and get uncertainty. We easily become addicted to all sorts of substances or ideas. Yet, trying to get over an addiction is worse than pulling teeth. Our best-laid plans often go astray. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we cannot make things come out the way we want.

d) God knows us and appreciates our struggle. He says He will reward us for it! He wants us not only to live forever but also to have the same wonderful quality of life he possesses. He will give it to us when we overcome Satan's ways. He created man in his own image and likeness. Man's creation is a process that is not finished yet.

2. Does he know what he is doing?

a) God oversees everything that goes on in His universe. He is ultimately responsible for whatever we do, including sin. When we believe in a truly all-powerful Creator, it puts an interesting perspective on just about everything. Jesus told Pilate, who thought he alone had power to kill or release Christ,

i) "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." (John 19:11, NIV).

b) He knows what He is doing and his plan is on schedule. It is accomplishing the goals that He set out for it. He loves everyone. It only makes sense that the Creator of everything would love His greatest creation.

c) It is time we start forgiving sin and loving the people with whom we are going to be spending eternity. God formulated a plan that will give Him the exact results He wants. When we look at this world with all its suffering, we would do well to remember that plan. If you have a choice between Satan and our Creator's way, what would you choose? You see, his plan is working just as He knew it would. 
