a) Spiritual gifts are the source of much controversy and confusion among believers. This is interesting and something of a sad commentary, since these gifts are meant to be graces from God for the edification of the church. Even today, as in the early church, the misuse and misunderstanding of spiritual gifts bring division--splitting up, rather than building up--in the church. This resource seeks to avoid the controversies and simply explore what the Bible says about spiritual gifts.
2. Identifying Spiritual Gifts
a) Although there is a great deal of disagreement over spiritual gifts among different denominations, most Bible scholars classify these gifts into three categories: ministry gifts, manifestation gifts, and motivational gifts.
3. Manifestation Gifts
a) The manifestation gifts serve to reveal the power of God. These gifts are supernatural or spiritual in nature. They can be further subdivided into three groups: utterance, power, and revelation.
i) Utterance - These gifts say something:
@1. Prophecy - This is the "forth telling" of the inspired Word of God primarily to the church, for the purpose of confirming the written Word and building up the entire body. The message is usually one of edification, exhortation or consolation, although it can declare God's will in a particular circumstance, and in rare cases, predict future events.
@2. Speaking in Tongues - This is a supernatural utterance in an unlearned language which is interpreted so that the entire body will be edified. Tongues may also be a sign to unbelievers. Learn more about speaking in tongues.
@.3. Interpretation of Tongues - This is a supernatural interpretation of a message in tongues, translated into the known language so that the hearers (the entire body) will be edified.
ii) Power - These gifts do something:
@1. Faith - This is not the faith that is measured to every believer, nor is it "saving faith." This is special, supernatural faith given by the Spirit to receive miracles or to believe God for miracles.
@2. Healing - This is supernatural healing, beyond natural means, given by the Spirit.
@3. Miracles - This is the supernatural suspension of the natural laws, or an intervention by the Holy Spirit into the laws of nature.
iii) Revelation - These gifts reveal something:
@1. Word of Wisdom - This is supernatural knowledge applied in a godly or correct way. One commentary describes it as "insight into doctrinal truth."
@2. Word of Knowledge - This is supernatural knowledge of facts and information that can only be revealed by God for the purpose of applying doctrinal truth.
@3. Discerning of Spirits - This is the supernatural ability to distinguish between spirits such as good and evil, truthful or deceiving, prophetic versus satanic.
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