a) In the Old Testament we read about priests (Exodus 28:41) and kings (2 Samuel 2:3) being anointed with oil. They were anointed at the beginning of their life's work. The oil is a picture of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit. He was the "Anointed One." Both Messiah and Christ mean "anointed."
b) His temptation, Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13. God showed that He was pleased with Jesus as a Man by calling Him, "my beloved Son." Satan tried to show that Jesus could not remain a man without sinning. God knew that Jesus the Son of God would not and could not sin against Him. Satan used all his tricks to try and spoil God's plan, but failed. Jesus did not sin.
c) His miracles. Jesus in the power of the Spirit healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, made the blind to see, raised the dead, cast out spirits, Luke 4:18; Matthew 12:28.
d) Christ did these miracles because He loved the people and wanted to help them. He also showed by these miracles that God was with Him. When the people came to Him, He taught them about God.
e) His teaching. Jesus did not write a book. His teaching is found in the four gospels. He taught the people about God His Father, about the kingdom of heaven and about His own death, resurrection and return. He preached the gospel very simply, but often taught deeper truth by parables. He gave special teaching to His own disciples.
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