1. Bible People

a) The Bible is an historic record of real people and places. 

b) Here is a brief biography of such a person during Bible times.

2. Lazarus brought back to life

a) The Lazarus who was brought back to life was a brother to Martha and Mary who lived in Bethany. The two sisters sent a message to Jesus telling Him "Sir, Your good friend is very very sick" (John 11:3). When Jesus and His disciples arrived at Bethany, they were told Lazarus had already been in His tomb for four days. Jesus told them to open the tomb, then Jesus looked to heaven, said a prayer to the Father, and then shouted "Lazarus come out." And Lazarus came out, wrapped in a grave cloth. Jesus told them "Unwrap him and let him go" (John 11:41-44). 

b) Later, six days before the Passover ceremonies began, a banquet was prepared for Jesus honor, in which Lazarus, Martha and Mary attended. The resurrection of Lazarus so shocked the chief priest and Pharisees, they decided to kill Jesus "before the whole nation follows him, and then the Roman army will come and kill us . . . " (John 11:48). Six days later, Jesus was crucified. 
