(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. What Does the Bible Say About Proper Dress?

a) Background

i) The clothing worn in Biblical times was very different from what we wear today. Both men and women wore a loose, woolen, robe-like cloak or mantle as an outer garment. It was fastened at the waist with a belt or sash. A tunic or coat, a long piece of cloth, leather or haircloth with holes for arms and head, was worn under the cloak. Sandals were worn on the feet. The difference between men's and women's clothing was small but distinctive. In addition, men often wore a turban to confine their hair, and women of some cultures wore a veil.

2. How Should One Dress for Church?

a) The Bible's rules about dress cannot be applied directly to today's situation. Attending church in biblical-era clothing, a cloak, tunic, sandals and a turban or veil, would cause quite a disruption in most churches! 

b) But the general principles of modesty and propriety can be applied. A general lesson from the New Testament is that we should dress for public worship in a way that is generally considered appropriate. 

c) Standards of dress are different from church to church and change over time, but we should avoid any style of dress that is offensive or sends a message opposing the church community's values. 

The End ...
