1. A Historic Moment at GCC Prayer Mountain
a) On Sunday 20/12/2015 @ 6.45am, our cell group of 9 ascended GCC Prayer Mountain, Bentong, Pahang in Malaysia, for the purpose of God-given assignment to dedicate the prayer mountain. It was lovely to behold the early morning mist surrounding the various adjacent hills of the prayer mountain.
b) We gathered at the Prayer Tabernacle on top of the mountain and we sang some worship songs. Pastor Philip Soh, Director of GCC / Prayer Coordinator came to join us. We heard him introduce to us "Prayer for All Nations" concept and GCC vision. In fact, it was truly a divine arrangement for someone like Pastor Philip Soh to stand on behalf of GCC and to deliver GCC Mountain Prayer Dedication to Yahweh. A historic sight to behold the ardent prayer for GCC in line with heaven desire and plan. A few good things happened on that morning:
i) A miniature rainbow appearing and disappearing in the sky within 30 seconds. This was the clear sign of Yahweh's approving look over what took place at GCC Prayer Mountain.
ii) The morning mist suddenly began to pass by the Prayer Tabernacle where we gathered for the moment.
iii) A family (husband and wife) and an individual who came to join us were so blessed by a word of prophecy and encouragement. They are musicians who compose songs for the Lord.
iv) Individually, we were urged to place a pebble symbolizing our pressing petition to God on the ground where a tree (now called "Jonah Tree") is outside the Prayer Tabernacle. This is to signify "God not only to hear, but also answer our petitions at the prayer mountain."
c) Overall, we were so blessed by the marking of this historic moment, not to mention the variety of foods that we enjoyed in Bentong Town.
2. Prayer Mountain Dedication
a) GCC Prayer Mountain Dedication
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