1. Bible People
a) The Bible is an historic record of real people and places.
b) Here is a brief biography of such a person during Bible times.
2. Noah
a) Son of Lamech, Noah was one of eight people that lived before, during, and after the Great Flood. When God saw the extent of human wickedness on the earth, He decided to destroy all mankind by a flood.
b) He told Noah who was the one righteous person on the face of the earth to construct an ark 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, with three decks inside. He promised Noah to keep him safe in the ark, along with his wife, three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives.
c) The Lord had Noah bring into the ark a pair of each kind of bird, animal and reptile, and in some cases seven pairs of each. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came, and for forty days it raged. The water rose higher than the highest mountain peaks, and all life on earth was blotted out, but Noah, his family and the animals were safe in the ark.
d) One hundred and fifty days after the flood began, the water gradually receded, and the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat. Eventually the earth was dry again, and Noah, his family and the animals disembarked. God blessed Noah and his family and told them to repopulate the earth. From Noah's three sons came all the nations of the earth.
a) The Bible is an historic record of real people and places.
b) Here is a brief biography of such a person during Bible times.
2. Noah
a) Son of Lamech, Noah was one of eight people that lived before, during, and after the Great Flood. When God saw the extent of human wickedness on the earth, He decided to destroy all mankind by a flood.
b) He told Noah who was the one righteous person on the face of the earth to construct an ark 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, with three decks inside. He promised Noah to keep him safe in the ark, along with his wife, three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their wives.
c) The Lord had Noah bring into the ark a pair of each kind of bird, animal and reptile, and in some cases seven pairs of each. Noah was 600 years old when the flood came, and for forty days it raged. The water rose higher than the highest mountain peaks, and all life on earth was blotted out, but Noah, his family and the animals were safe in the ark.
d) One hundred and fifty days after the flood began, the water gradually receded, and the ark came to rest upon the mountains of Ararat. Eventually the earth was dry again, and Noah, his family and the animals disembarked. God blessed Noah and his family and told them to repopulate the earth. From Noah's three sons came all the nations of the earth.
e) Noah lived another 350 years after the flood and was 950 years old at
his death. The story of Noah is found in Genesis, chapters 6-9. Noah is
mentioned eight times in the New Testament, and in Ezekiel 14:14, he is
listed, along with Daniel and Job for their righteousness.
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