1. Introduction

Proverbs 16:33 New Living Translation (NLT)

33 We may throw the dice (lots),
    but the Lord determines how they fall.

2. Let's look at what we call "circumstances"...

a) Who directed the Ishmaelites on their journey to Egypt at the very moment Joseph's brothers were casting him into the pit?

b) Who guided Pharaoh's daughter to the river, just as the ark with the little baby Moses in it passed by the very spot she was at?

c) Who prepared a whale to be at the very time and place that Jonah was thrown off the boat?

d) Chance?

e) No way.

f) Is there a lot we do not yet understand?

i) Yes.

ii) But it does give us an accurate perception of GOD as against what we know. He is Omnipotent, and All Powerful, Invisible, and He knows the end from the beginning.

iii) In comparison, we know nothing. That's why the life-line of faith works. We trust in Him, believe in His guidance and wisdom for our lives.

iv) How He does it - we have no clue!
