a) Teviron Negative Ions provide us with a perfect safeguard for our health. According to Asian Medical Journal, the amount of negative ion in the air (Per 1cc of air):
i) 1,000 to 2,000/cc - good for your health.
ii) 5,000 to 50,000/cc - able to strengthen our body's resistance and improve immunity.
iii) 100,000 to 500,000/cc - helps our body to self-heal (improve illness).
b) The largest organ in our body is our skin. We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing. If we use our skin to absorb negative ions, the efficiency rises to 85%.
c) Therefore, our body can absorb 100% of negative ions if we wear TEVIRON garments.
2. What Effect Does The Negative Ion Have Upon Cells?
a) Modern civilization and technology cause many problems for which there are no evident reasons, such as aches, high blood pressure, irritability, drumming sound in the ears, and so on, which may be termed “civilization sequelae”. The vast numbers of electrical equipment and cars, which we rely upon in our modern lifestyles, increase our exposure to positive ions. Too many positive ions in our environment can make us feel rage, irascible, muscle-bound, spikes in blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.
b) In 1986, Dr. Kiueger conducted some tests in which positive ions and negative ions were introduced into the body through the skin and respiratory tract, and these tests proved that the negative ion has physiological functions as follows (the reverse results for positive ions):
i) Increases lung capacity.
ii) Accelerates villus movement and decreases blood pressure and heartbeat rate.
iii) Releases neuropathic hormone Scrotnin and brings the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
iv) Releases Histamine in the body and elevates the metabolism rate over bx 50%.
v) Promotes Central Nervous System health and cell membrane normalization.
vi) Promotes endocrine and metabolic normalization.
c) Cells make up the human body, mitochondria are electric stations for cells, as they absorb nourishment for the cells, change it into energy for the body, and maintain physiologic function. Cells are charged by the mitochondria for maintenance of cell membrane potential and surface charge normalization, and for absorption of and discharge of foreign bodies.
d) After negative ions enter cells, they will reinforce mitochondria to generate electric normalization; and the negative ions will assist cells to absorb or remove foreign bodies. When negative ions enter the body by way of the skin, it can alter the charge of the cell in the human body. Negative ion exposure can soften cell tissue for reinforcement, soften red blood cells and smooth blood circulation, causing the blood pressure to decrease and normalize naturally. Negative ion exposure can also help to decrease aching in the waist and the back, help the trachea villi to work normally, and help treat diseases of the respiratory passage, which can become normal without other treatment.
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