a) In overseas missions, I am sometimes addressed as a pastor, a prophetic speaker, a servant of God, a man of God...
b) Back home, some call me a brother, some call me uncle, some call me a man of God, a servant of God etc...
c) Why do they address me that way? The main reason is that they perceive the way I function in the body of Christ.
e) In reality, it is not a title where one can earn for a reputation. It is a way of life where God allows one to function as He wills. He knows what is best for the one to function in his Kingdom.
f) Many misunderstand this. Some seek the highest position to satisfy their longings. Perhaps the apostolic position of the 5-fold ministry. They feel good when people acknowledge their status.
g) The question is this: "Do they function as an apostle? Or a prophet? Or an evangelist? Or a pastor? Or a teacher? etc."
h) Can people truly see and acknowledge that you have such a gift of the Holy Spirit? If they do, they would surely call you by that function?
i) So you see, it is not by the appointment of man. If God calls you, He will equip you with the necessary gifts!
j) Don't look for a title but seek to function with your God given gifts.
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