1. What Is A Sick Church?  

a) The greatest tragedy ever is a sick church in a dying world! 

b) Here are some symptoms you can spot a sick church:

i) Cannot solve a problem harmoniously. The members bicker, stall and blame. The leaders ignore and worry. They discuss and argue. Nothing is done. People leave the church. The church is dying.

ii) Resists all change. They opt for comfort every time.

iii) Unbalanced - either too ultra conservative or too liberal, too close minded or too open minded, too welcoming to newness or too wedded to the past.

iv) Without a healthy view of Scripture. It either ignores the Bible, make an idol of the Bible, or likely preaches a few passages and ignores the remaining portions. It's done.

v) Undercut it's leadership at every opportunity.

vi) Controlled by unhealthy leaders. They are mentally unstable and spiritually unqualified. 

vii) Exists for itself.

viii) Joyless. The singing, praying, and offering are tasks to be done and gotten over.

ix) Lazy. Whatever ministries will be rare and puny and involve only a few individuals.

x) Non-reproducing. No effort to share their faith in the community, no evangelism, no training in soul winning, and no sense of the need to have such.

c) In most cases, the sick church chooses to die rather than to undergo radical surgery. What a pitiful sight! May God have mercy on this kind of church! 
