1. Bible History 

a) In this panoramic Bible Story, we present the important events, and gradual development of Bible History, keeping in view, throughout,  the spiritual purpose of divine revelation.

b) It exhibits a part at a time, by being unrolled before the viewer. An unobstructed or complete view in every direction; hence a comprehensive presentation to aid viewer with a better understanding of Bible History.

c) It follows the stream of the Bible narrative, so as to aid viewer in visualizing and grasping the great truths of Bible History.

2. The Third Dispensation of Human Government

- From the Flood to the Dispersion at Babel

(Genesis 8 - 11)

a) The deluge, in all, lasted one year and ten days. Five months from the time that Noah entered the ark, and its grounding on Ararat, and seven months and ten days before the patriarch received instructions to leave it. Noah's first act upon leaving the ark, was to offer a great burnt offering unto the Lord. The fragrance and spirit of the offering pleased God, and He made a covenant with Noah, that no such flood should destroy the earth again, and that all things were made subject to him (Noah) as to Adam in the beginning. And God blessed Noah and his sons, and instructed them to "replenish the earth." The flesh of animals was now permitted for food for the first time, and the sacredness of life was made impressive by the institution of capital punishment. Those who shed the blood of man, by man their blood would be required. As a pledge of all the covenant promises God set a rainbow in the heavens, a token of His covenant with all flesh "for perpetual generations."

b) Thus the race had a new start, with the institution of human government, man now being responsible to govern the world for God. The sons of Noah, through whom the world was to be re-populated, started on their God-appointed commission "to replenish the earth", with knowledge of God as a punisher of the wicked, and a savior of those who believe. They had seen both sin and grace working in the world to deepen their fear and their faith, and their obligation to serve, and worship, and obey God. Yet it was not long before they once again saw wickedness abounding, and men and nations at renewed enmity with God, and His purpose in the earth. The three sons of Noah were Ham, Shem and Japheth, of them, we read, "the whole earth was overspread", or re-peopled.

c) In the spirit of prophecy, Noah assigns to his three sons, and their respective descendants, the rewards and punishments of their respective deeds and character. Ham would be a servile race. The descendants of Shem were to be blessed; God was to dwell in their tents, and the Canaanites were to become their servants. Enlargement was to be the portion of Japheth. History now confirms the fulfillment of the prophecy. 

d) The re-peopling of the earth, through the families of Noah's  sons, were not carried out as God had purposed it, by obedient and natural means. It was God's will that men should disperse themselves over the earth, for "God made the earth to be inhabited." But instead of God's will, ever at enmity with God, again asserted itself in the earth, and men with unholy pride, and self-desire for renown, and to defeat God's purpose of dispersion, gathered in the plain of Shinar, and conspired to build a city and a great tower, and to make for themselves a great name. Making this unholy undertaking a headquarters to prevent their separation, and their scattering, and being subjected to the hardships of the life of pioneers.

e) With displeasure at the creature's constant defiance of the creator, God confused the tongues of the builders. Until this time, we read, the earth was one language, but now men began to speak several languages. This was God's method to compel men to separate from each other, the speakers of each different tongue naturally departing with the others that understood them. Hence, "the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of the earth" (Genesis 11:9). It is now an established theory that the various existing languages belong to three great families, Aryan, Semitic, and Turanian, corresponding broadly to the three sons of Noah, Japheth, Shem and Ham.

f) Thus the Third Dispensation (Human Government) ended with judgment. The Dispersion at Babel. 
