a) If Jesus really were divine, he should have been able to perform miracles. Jesus did just that. He healed the sick, walked on water and even raised the dead. These miracles helped to support his claim that he was the true God come to earth to save mankind.
b) The miracles of Jesus are described in the New Testament and are listed more or less below.
2. Miracles of Jesus: Healing a man with dropsy (Luke 14:1-6)
a) The Gospel of Luke describes a miracle that Jesus performed on the Sabbath, healing a man who suffered from a condition that caused an abnormal swelling of his body:
Luke 14:1-6 New International Version (NIV)
5 Then he asked them, “If one of you has a child or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath day, will you not immediately pull it out?” 6 And they had nothing to say.
b) The Pharisees were among the prominent religious leaders in the land of Israel during the time of Jesus. Some of them strongly opposed Jesus and plotted against him, trying to entrap him in situations that would cause harm to him.
c) The man who Jesus healed might have been suffering from Dropsy, which is also known as Edema. It is an abnormal condition in which fluid accumulates under a person's skin, in some areas of their body, such as in the legs. The condition, which can be very dangerous, requires medical attention from a doctor.
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