(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Jerusalem Wailing Wall 

a) Each year on Tisha B’Av in August, the Jews keep a fast to commemorate the destruction of both of their Temples with worshipers reciting Lamentations and other dirges. The first Temple, Solomon’s Temple, was built during his reign, 970-930 B.C. and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians in 586 B.C. The Temple was reconstructed in 516 B.C., with a significant expansion in 19 B.C. by Herod. The Romans under Titus destroyed the Second Temple in 70 A.D. to crush the Jewish revolt that had been going on for four years. 

b) The destruction of the second Temple in 70 A.D. by Titus was predicted in Ezekiel 21 and Moses also predicted its destruction and subsequent scattering of the Jews into distant lands (Deuteronomy 28:49-52). The Bible also predicted the restoration of the Jews to their native land (Ezekiel 36:24, 33-35). The nation of Israel was reestablished on May 15, 1948 by a United Nations resolution.

c) Although the Jewish people have been restored to their geographic and political nation, they have yet to be restored to their covenant relationship with God because they have rejected their Messiah, Jesus Christ. Several Old Testament prophets foretell the mourning or “wailing” of Israel: “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most skillful of them’” (Jeremiah 9:17). “Cut off your hair and throw it away; take up a lament on the barren heights, for the LORD has rejected and abandoned this generation that is under his wrath” (Jeremiah 7:29).

d) As a consequence of Israel’s rejection of the Messiah, God substituted for the physical nation of Israel a new people in spirit. God’s people are not an ethnic group, but those who inwardly bear his Holy Spirit (Romans 2:28-29). In the age of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ, those who receive forgiveness and salvation through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus—whether Jew or Gentile (Romans 1:16) — become children of God, and thus are called the real “seed of Abraham” (Galatians 3:26-29).

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