a) Sometimes we feel that we are the ONLY ones left doing the work of ministry. We feel others are not doing as hard as we do.
b) We also feel that we are the ONLY answer for a particular challenge and nobody can replace us. Without us, things may not be the same or better than before.
c) We tends to be heel over others in whatever sphere of responsibility entrusted to us.
d) Well! We know better than them and thus do not seek their opinions, advises, and counsels from those who have journeyed way long before us. We seem to know everything and they are under the thumb of our hand.
e) We are just too inward looking like Elijah claiming that he was the ONLY one left in all the land who still loved God. What was God's reply?
@1. Romans 11:2, 4 TLB
"[2] No, God has not discarded his own people whom he chose from the very beginning. Do you remember what the Scriptures say about this? Elijah the prophet was complaining to God about the Jews, telling God how they had killed the prophets and torn down God's altars; Elijah claimed that he was the only one left in all the land who still loved God, and now they were trying to kill him too.
[4] And do you remember how God replied? God said, "No, you are not the only one left. I have seven thousand others besides you who still love me and have not bowed down to idols!"
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