Internet ministry refers to the practice of using online platforms and digital tools to spread religious teachings, engage with a community, and provide spiritual guidance. 

It leverages the internet's wide reach to connect with people globally, regardless of geographic location or time zone. This approach often involves live-streaming religious services, sharing sermons, hosting virtual study groups, offering counseling through video calls, and utilizing social media for outreach and engagement. 

Internet ministry allows religious organizations to adapt and evolve with changing communication trends and connect with a diverse and tech-savvy audience.

“MY TREASURE BOX” fulfills the requirements of an Internet Ministry. It was first introduced on 17.02.2013, and within a life span of 10 years now, is covering > 140 visitor countries worldwide with an all-time 2.5 million views.

It is a platform for sharing biblical insights and for showing how to live a practical Christian life. You may find a variety of perspectives and interesting topics. It is intended to inspire you, to make you laugh and to make you realize the importance of truth.

It is FREE and you may access it anywhere, anytime! God bless!

