a) On 15/07/2014 (Tuesday) morning @10.24am, the Lord clearly showed me Number 17. I didn't take interest to look into this until later at 2.24pm.
b) Number 17 relates to 17th July 2014, two days after 15/07/2014.
c) So we have the following 3 dates: 15 July 2014, 16 July 2014 & 17 July 2014.
2. Representation
a) July 2014 = Number 7 for July & Number 7 for 2014 (2+0+1+4) = Double or Two 7.
b) Day 15 = 1 + 5 = Number 6 (?).
c) Day 16 = 6 + 1 = Number 7.
d) Day 17 = Numbers 1 (?) and 7.
e) Number 6 in Day 15 (item b above) + Number 1 in Day 17 (item d above) = Number 7.
So, we have Five 7s which is Grace Number 7 and Number 17.
3. The Meanings of Number 7 and 17
a) Number 7 in the Bible
i) In the Bible, numbers have spiritual significance. Of all the numbers, seven (7) is the most familiar because it appears about 600 times.
#1) Seven (7) denotes spiritual perfection.#2) It means divine fulness, completeness and totality.
#3) It comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to be full," "to be satisfied," and "to have enough."
b) Number 17 in the Bible
i) In the Bible, seventeen (17) is a combination of spiritual perfection and ordinal perfection. An example of this perfect union in the Bible is that of Joseph who at the age of seventeen (17) was sold into slavery by his brothers.
ii) The story of Joseph also illustrates that seventeen signifies the beginning of temptation. At seventeen (17), temptation began to surround Joseph in every direction, but he did not take his eyes off the God he served. Let us do likewise.
iii) The union of spiritual perfection and ordinal perfection is clearly seen when Joseph is made second in command in Egypt. He then becomes available to help those who did evil to put him there in the first place. Joseph was able to say to his brothers: "You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives" (Genesis 50:20)
4. How do we reconcile Numbers 7 and 17? What is the main theme for these 2 numbers?
a) God is about to bring to past things that directly relate to spiritual and ordinal perfection. Just as Joseph was raised and made the Prime Minister of Egypt from the prison to palace, likewise God's invisible hand will be the main focus of this divine spiritual and ordinal fulfillment that brings about the completeness and totality of His blessings to his people. Nothing will be missed! God's Holy Spirit will be visible in the makings of this fulfillment.
b) The main theme for these 2 numbers is "SPIRITUAL & ORDINAL PERFECTION IN THE MAKINGS."
c) Can you believe God can do it for you?
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