a) The Bible is full of so many great stories, from struggle to triumph and impossible to miraculous. There are many different kinds of famous stories in the Bible. If you have to read and study the verses closely, there is so much to learn about what the story really means. Such story allows us to know God more deeply and helps us grow up in spiritual life.
b) If you are new to the Bible and want to know some of the most famous Bible stories, here is one of them.
2. Parable of the Lost Sheep
a) The Parable of the Lost Sheep is a wonderful story told by Jesus to illustrate the love and compassion that God has for those who His. The parable is found in Gospels of Matthew and Luke, and is in response to Jesus being criticized and attacked by the religious leaders for "eating with sinners". Jesus stops the crowd and begins to tell a story of how a shepherd left his flock of 99 sheep to go find one lost sheep.
b) This parable displays beautiful meaning of God seeking out the lost sinner and rejoicing when they are found. We serve a Good Shepherd whose heart is for us to be found, rescued, and renewed.
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