a) The Bible is full of wonderful stories and special truth. What we want to do is to discover the Bible.
b) Psalm 119:11 says, "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
c) Nurture and grow your understanding of the Bible as you read and discover the Bible.
2. Outline:
a) Exodus 24-29.
i) The Ratification of the Covenant - Exodus 24:1-11.
ii) Moses called to the Mount - Exodus 24:12-18.
iii) The Tabernacle - Exodus 25:1-27:21.
iv) The Priestly Garments (see Exodus 39: Making of the Priestly Garments) - Exodus 28.
v) The Priestly Installation - Exodus 29.
b) Deuteronomy 17-18 (Parallels Exodus 29).
i) Commands about Kings - Deuteronomy 17.
ii) Maintaining of the Levites - Deuteronomy 18.
3. Major Places in Order (Exodus 14-29):
a) Red Sea, Wilderness, Sinai.
4. Major People in Order:
a) Moses, Aaron, Joshua.
5. Amount of Time Covered:
a) 1 year (?).
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