(Message by Tanny Keng)

The Kisan Gate in Damascus
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The Kisan Gate in Damascus
1. Why did a group of Jews form a plot to MURDER Paul in the city?
a) Damascus, first settled in the 2nd millennium B.C., is the capital of modern Syria. Around 1260 B.C. the city and region was the battleground for a war between the Hittites and the Egyptians. At the end of the war Damascus was put under the control of Egypt's Pharaoh. The city was eventually conquered by Alexander the Great in 331 B.C. After the death of Alexander the city became the site of the struggle between the Seleucid and Ptolemaic empires.
b) In 64 B.C. the Roman general Pompey annexed the western part of Syria which included Damascus. The Romans soon occupied the city and incorporated it into a league of ten cities known as the Decapolis. c) Before his conversion the Apostle Paul actively persecuted those who believed Jesus was the Messiah. After the martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 6-7) Paul obtains direct permission from the High Priest to search for believers in Damascus' synagogues. Paul is also given authority to arrest any believers found in the synagogues and bring them bound back to Jerusalem so that they can be tried and punished (Acts 9:1-2). d) On his way to Damascus Paul sees a bright light from heaven surround him, hears the voice of Jesus who calls him to repent, and is blinded. He is taken into the city by his companions. After three days without sight Paul is healed by a man name Ananias, a believer in God, who is inspired by Jesus to visit him. After his repentance and healing Paul (Saul) is put under the waters of baptism and receives the Holy Spirit. e) Paul immediately starts to preach the gospel in Damascus. His incredible ability to prove Jesus is the Christ (Messiah) so angers the Jews in the city that they conspire to kill him (Acts 9:20-23). Paul soon learns of the death threat against him. Believers in Damascus who fear for Paul's life help him escape the city, at night, by putting him in a basket and lowering him down the outside part of a city gate. The Bab Kisan (The Kisan Gate) pictured above, built during the Roman era, is believed to be the gate used to help Paul flee the city. After leaving Damascus Paul travels to Arabia where, for three years, he is personally taught by Jesus (Galatians 1:11-12, 15-18). |
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