1. Anions

a) Many people do not understand the role or functions of anion fiber. They kind of know something about it but really know nothing.

b) There are 8 major health benefits of anions:

@1. Revitalizing the cells.
@2. Slowing down the aging process.
@3. Managing the allergies.
@4. Improving the cleansing process in the blood for better circulation.
@5. Boosting the immune power.
@6. Regulating autonomic nervous system and lifting stress.
@7. Enhancing metabolic functions.
@8. Others like having a calming effect, improving quality of sleep, increasing appetite, controlling blood pressure, reducing fatigue, and inspiring the person.

ii) All these are 60 years of anion research showed health improvement and disease prevention.

c) Here is one of the many cases that may clear some doubts that you may have.

2. Testimonial

a) Case 4: No more sleeping pills or antidepressant.

i) I have worked in our family run restaurant or over 30 years during which time I had very bad schedules.  Long term fatigue and stress led to a sleep disorder where I was not just having trouble falling asleep or losing sleep but I felt threatened and sometimes even revolted at the sight of the bed.  For a while I forgot what it was like to sleep.  I would be tossing and turning all night long and then go to work.  That torture went on for seven years.

ii) “How to fall asleep” became the most hated thing every night.  I finally had to seek medical help.  I was prescribed with Stilnox but I didn’t see any results.  The dose went from half a pill to two pills and the doctor said he could increase it if need be.  I knew it was not a good idea but I had no other options.

iii) One morning I felt dizzy as soon as I got up.  I fell to the floor when my feet barely touched it. I wa diagnosed with vertigo.  A fe days later it happened again and I had to crawl to my bag for the medication.  I had to wait half an hour before I could stand up straight to walk.

iv) The combination of insomnia with vertigo made me suspect that I had depression until one day a school mate whom I hadn’t seen for a long time came to see me and shared his experience of anion fiber products.

v) I had always stayed away from anything associated with direct sale but I was just suffering too much.  I thought, “sure, why not?”  With the support of my husband, I invested in the whole set of products.  I didn’t feel anything at first and I waited a week and still felt nothing had changed.  B ut one night, I suddenly felt tired and I told my husband that I was going to bed.  The net day he tol me, “you went to bed at 10:30 and you slept all the way to this morning!”  I felt like I was waking up from a dream and I was beyond myself with happiness.  This was 10 days after I used the anion fiber products.

vi) Seven months after I used the products, my insomnia and vertigo stopped completely, so I stopped the medication.  I believe if I continue using the products, I will stay healthy and happy and say goodbye to depression. 

3. Contact Reference

a) Anion fibers are now available in underwear, beddings, eye masks, neck / knee / ankle braces, hats, and socks... you name it! Protect and energize all key body parts and give yourself premium health! (Please note that this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases even though it has some amazing effects).

b) If you are keen to know more, please get in touch with me:

Name: Ms Lynn Choy

Mobile: +6018 203 8380


c) Thank you!
