1. Anions

a) Many people do not understand the role or functions of anion fiber. They kind of know something about it but really know nothing.

b) There are 8 major health benefits of anions:

@1. Revitalizing the cells.
@2. Slowing down the aging process.
@3. Managing the allergies.
@4. Improving the cleansing process in the blood for better circulation.
@5. Boosting the immune power.
@6. Regulating autonomic nervous system and lifting stress.
@7. Enhancing metabolic functions.
@8. Others like having a calming effect, improving quality of sleep, increasing appetite, controlling blood pressure, reducing fatigue, and inspiring the person.

ii) All these are 60 years of anion research showed health improvement and disease prevention.

c) Here is one of the many cases that may clear some doubts that you may have.

2. Testimonial

a) Case 8: Anion fiber under garments can reduce pain.

i) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. I didn’t get any treatment because we cannot afford it.  Therefore, I didn’t say anything to my family.  I didn’t want them to worry.  But in February 2016, it turned into late stage breast cancer where chemo was the only treatment option.

ii) I quit going to the hospital since I had declined surgery.  I just stayed at home and took the Chinese herbal medicine.  My sister gave me the bra made of anion fiber.  After three weeks wearing the bra, my left chest, which had been in constant sever pain, got better.  I also began to sleep better at night.  I cannot tell you how bad the pain felt.  It was like being torn apart from a pain that reaches deep into the bones.  I really wanted to stay alive because my daughter was only 2 years old.  I want to be around longer and take care of her.

iii) I am so thankful for my sister and my family came through for me and came up with some funds for me to purchase the whole set of anion fiber products.  I was very diligent about the cleaning and changing the product.  I really felt the pain was easing up and the hard lump in my breast started to soften up and shrink.  Plus, I couldn’t stop sweating especially my left hand, feet and head.  The doctor told me it was the lymph nodes doing the detoxing.  It has been a month now and everyday I get a different herxheimer reaction.  I am very good about wearing the garment.  My friends told me that my color is good.  I feel more energetic. My tummy has gotten smaller and I feel light.  I am so grateful for this product and I hope my testimonial can help more people experience the same benefits.

3. Contact Reference

a) Anion fibers are now available in underwear, beddings, eye masks, neck / knee / ankle braces, hats, and socks... you name it! Protect and energize all key body parts and give yourself premium health! (Please note that this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases even though it has some amazing effects).

b) If you are keen to know more, please get in touch with me:

Name: Ms Lynn Choy

Mobile: +6018 203 8380


c) Thank you!
