a) Teviron Negative Ions provide us with a perfect safeguard for our health. According to Asian Medical Journal, the amount of negative ion in the air (Per 1cc of air):
i) 1,000 to 2,000/cc - good for your health.
ii) 5,000 to 50,000/cc - able to strengthen our body's resistance and improve immunity.
iii) 100,000 to 500,000/cc - helps our body to self-heal (improve illness).
b) The largest organ in our body is our skin. We are only able to absorb 15% of negative ions through breathing. If we use our skin to absorb negative ions, the efficiency rises to 85%.
c) Therefore, our body can absorb 100% of negative ions if we wear TEVIRON garments.
2. What Is A Negative Ion?
a) When electrons collide with molecules in the air, scientists give the name “Ion” to the molecules carrying the electrons thus formed. Negatively charged molecules are called “negative ions.” If we liken this to the baseball, the pitcher is the positive ion, and the catcher is the negative ion.
b) In our daily lives, air pollution has become so serious that the negative ions are disappearing gradually, thus generating too many positive ions at the same time which is causing the air quality to get increasingly worse. When there are too many positive ions people may often experience headache, insomnia, neurasthenia, hypersensitivity, fatigue, respiratory passage disease and a host of other symptoms.
c) Negative ions serve to disinfect and clean the air after they combine together with bacteria, resulting in the death of bacteria which can no longer form other strains because of changes in structure and transfer of energy. This causes dead bacteria to settle on the ground, which is the main reason why bacteria decrease in number at the rate of 20% per minute in the air. Therefore, negative ion manufacturing technology aims at contributing to the elimination of particles in the air. When we generate precipitation by static electricity we can bring about a stable negative ion supply. By increasing the negative ion supply we may be able to increase both physical and mental comforts. The negative ion is a cleansing agent as well as a “vitamin of the air.”
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