a) It is about a Thai woman named Jessica, married to local Malaysian, selling “U Char Kueh”. My niece, Ee-Ling hah been following up on Jessica for her salvation.
b) Jessica came to our Sunday Family Cell meeting on 02.03.08. Prior to attending our meeting, Jessica had prayed to God to give her a little love since God’s love is so big. Jessica was not a believer at that time but knew about God’s love through her association with my niece.
c) After the meeting, Jessica came for prayer. I told Jessica that there was no love in her heart and she needed to ask God for his agape love. She was surprised that how come I knew about her earlier prayer request.
d) On the following Sunday, 09.03.08, Jessica again attended our meeting. This time I told Jessica again to seek God for his agape love.
e) The 2 meetings had prompted Jessica to accept Christ as her personal savior. On Saturday, 15.03.08 she gave her life to Christ (my niece was instrumental for her salvation). One month later, Jessica was baptized with water i.e. on Tuesday, 15.04.08 and was baptized with the Holy Spirit in between the month.
f) When Jessica accepted the Lord, she found herself being changed. No more arguing and fighting with her husband whenever her husband would scold her.
g) Jessica came again to our meeting on Sunday, 27.04.08 and responded to a call for prayer of those who had a heavy heart. After Jessica had gone home, she noticed that her husband had changed and began to show love to her. This was really surprising to her and she would want tell others about her real life encounter with Jesus.
2. What we can learn from this real life testimony?
a) Someone (my niece) had followed up on Jessica for her salvation before attending our meeting.
b) The gifting of God “Word of Knowledge” had opened Jessica’ eyes to see that God is really alive.
c) As a result, Jessica was not only saved but water baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit within a month period.
d) Jessica experienced a change in her heart and this had caused her husband to see something different in her. To her surprise, Jessica noticed that her husband began to show his love for her.
3. Prayer focus
a) Pray that God will give us boldness to be his witnesses, telling people of the good news of the Gospel.
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