a) Within a period of 9 months (September 2005 – May 2006), a total head count of 44 of my family members and relatives were saved and 30 were baptized in water. Man-made idols were being removed from their homes.
b) It all started way back in September 2005, when Ee Leen’s baby was miraculously revived back to life twice after cardiac arrest (i.e. no breathing & no heart-beat). Hence, God began to move powerfully in my family members who had heard, seen and experienced the awesome deliverance and healing power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Below are 3 testimonies detailing salvation of my family members:
a) Lim Ee Leen (my niece)
i) On 07.09.2005 @ 10.30 am, baby Jackie (6 weeks old) was having high fever and bad flu. My husband and I took him to see a child specialist in Klang. As baby Jackie’s condition was severe, the child specialist suggested that he be admitted to a hospital.
ii) At 11.02 am, we sent baby Jackie to Klang General Hospital. The doctor took some blood samples from him and told us to wait at the outpatient clinic. At 3.00 pm, baby Jackie was admitted in ICU because of difficulty in breathing.
iii) In the evening at 8.30 pm, the blood report was out and baby Jackie was diagnosed to have blood infection (septicaemia – virals in the blood). He had only 24 hours to live because the viral had reached to his brain. Then, I called my family members to go to the temple to pray and get the amulet for baby Jackie.
iv) During this hour of need, my auntie Lynette Kong came to minister and pray for baby Jackie. She told me to remove the amulet on baby Jackie’s body. My eldest sister, who came with my auntie Lynette Kong, told me to trust in Jesus and just pray. I did not know who Jesus was at that time. In desperation and lost of hope, I just prayed to Jesus through the night.
v) At 7.30 am in the morning, baby Jackie stopped breathing. There was no heart-beat and baby Jackie turned blue (earlier baby Jackie was put on cardiac monitoring machine). I cried aloud calling “Jesus, Jesus save my Jackie”. A visiting Malay lady next to baby Jackie saw what had happened and she rushed out to call for the doctor. Then, the cardiac monitoring machine began to show sign of breathing and heart-beat. When the doctor and nurse arrived, they found that baby Jackie was alright.
vi) Half an hour later i.e. at 8.00 am, baby Jackie was on cardiac arrest again (i.e. no sign of breathing and heart-beat). I cried aloud to Jesus again “Jesus, save my Jackie, I want my Jackie back, I want my Jackie back”. Again, the visiting Malay lady rushed out to call the doctor. Again, the cardiac monitoring machine began to show sign of breathing and heart-beat. When the doctor and nurse arrived, they found that baby Jackie was alright. This time the visiting Malay lady told the doctor what had happened to baby Jackie.
vii) Later in the afternoon, baby Jackie was having severe purging. He had been purging for more than 10 times that day. He was so weak and cried faintly. This worried me. Deep in my heart and mind, I was looking for a church. I came to a Catholic church. I was standing outside the church looking at the cross in front of me. I knelt down, cried for a miracle and confessed my sins to Jesus. I had a strong feeling that baby Jackie’s purging would stop by 6.00 am the next day. Jesus answered my prayer and baby Jackie’s purging stopped exactly that time.
viii) Jackie was a miracle baby. He was discharged after a few days. The blood results showed that baby Jackie was completely healed of all the poison in his body.
ix) With the miracle healing of baby Jackie, my whole family came to the Lord.
b) Gideon Lim (my nephew)
i) In end October 2005, my wife’s sister (Mary Anne, aged 47 years old) came from Penang to stay with us in USJ. I wanted to help her because she was unstable, had a past history of demon-possession and needed deliverance.
ii) The next day I took her to Klang Grace Assembly Church during one of the Wednesday Mandarin prayer meetings at Bahasa Malaysia Hall. She could not stand the worship & prayer session and wanted to run away but was held back by my family members at the prayer meeting. She cried, rolled on the floor and told the people not to continue worship because she was afraid of the awesome presence of God.
iii) Pastor Kam cast out unclean spirits in the Name of Jesus from her and she vomited only the amulet (charm burnt papers) instead of the foods she had eaten shortly. She felt physically exhausted and could not continue further deliverance session. Pastor Kam gave Mary Ann’s family members and me a list of Prayer of Renunciation for breaking of generational curses, removing of strongholds in our lives etc. That night, 7 of my family members witnessed the deliverance power of Jesus.
iv) The following night at 11.30 pm, Mary Ann’s family members and I were praying according to the Prayer of Renunciation List past mid-night. Unclean spirits began to manifest itself in Mary Ann. Mary Ann’s family members were crying and they did not know what to do. I called for Pastor Kam at 1.15 am to come to USJ. Pastor Kam came and cast out unclean spirits in her. 7 of my family members witnessed the awesome deliverance power of Jesus again and hence, we believed in the Name of Jesus.
v) The following morning, we called Pastor Kam to remove all the idols in our homes.
vi) I related the incidents to Mary Ann’s brother in KL. Her brother, who is actually a practicing medium, allowed to let me take her to church if Jesus can deliver her totally. Her brother wanted to see for himself the reality of the power of Jesus.
vii) That Friday’s evening, unclean spirits began to manifest itself again in Mary Ann. I took my family members and Mary Ann to Klang Grace Assembly Church. She refused to go to church. However, she was coaxed and ushered to prayer room of the Main Sanctuary. She had 4 more unclean spirits at that time. I immediately called Pastor Kam.
viii) This time, she was completely cleansed of all the unclean spirits. Her brother witnessed the incident and commented that as a practising medium, he would take a week to cast out a demon whereas a church pastor within a short period of time.
ix) From this incident, a total of 20 of my family members believed and accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. 12 out of 20 of my family members got baptized in water. This happened with a short period of 1 ½ months time.
c) Keng Siew Yong (my eldest sister)
i) On numerous occasions, I had heard and seen God’s wonderful power of deliverance and healing. However, I was not ready at all to fully commit my life to Jesus.
ii) On 09.05.2006 at 9.00 pm, I had complaint of chest pains and dizziness. I was warded to General Hospital KL for treatment. My blood pressure reading was high 241/116 and later diagnosed to have heart enlargement as well as ear problem that caused unbalance in my left ear. I was discharged on 10.05.2006 at 12.00 noon after my blood pressure had subsided and I felt alright.
iii) At 4.00 pm, I had again complaint of chest pains and dizziness. This time I was sent to General Hospital in Klang (Malaysia). It was during this time that my children prayed for my recovery. I had purposed in my heart that if I were to be discharged from the hospital this time after much prayer, I would totally commit myself to Jesus and take a step of faith in water baptism.
iv) On 11.05.2006 @ 12.00 noon, I was discharged. Then, I remembered my vow to Jesus in hospital. However, I was determined to break my tie of allegiance to laughing “Buddha” by renouncing it. This was done at 2.00 pm. At 7.00 pm I went for water baptism conducted by my sister, Lynette Kong.
v) All glory to Jesus, the Savior of our souls!
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