a) Caiaphas was the leader of the religious group called the Sadducees. Educated and wealthy, they were politically influential in the nation. As the elite group, they were on fairly good terms with Rome. They hated Jesus because he endangered their secure life-styles and taught a message they could not accept. A kingdom in which leaders served has no appeal to them.
b) Caiaphas's usual policy was to remove any threats to his power by whatever means necessary. For Caiaphas, whether Jesus should die was not in question; the only point to be settled was when his death should take place. Not only with Jesus have to be captured and tried; the Jewish council also needed Roman approval before they could carry out the death sentence. Caiaphas's plans were unexpectedly helped by Judas's offer to betray Christ.
c) Caiaphas did not realize that his schemes were actually part of a wonderful plan God was carrying out. Caiaphas's willingness to sacrifice another man to preserve his own security was clearly selfish. By contrast, Jesus' willingness to die for us was a clear example of loving self-sacrifice. Caiaphas thought he had won the battle as Jesus hung on the cross, but he did not count on the Resurrection!
d) Caiaphas's mind was closed. He couldn't accept the Resurrection even when evidence was overwhelming, and he attempted to silence those who lives had been forever changed by the risen Christ (Matthew 28:12-13).
@1. 12 When the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they gave the soldiers a large sum of money, 13 telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ (Matthew 28:12-13 NIV)
e) Caiaphas represents those people who will not believe because they think it will cost them too much to accept Jesus as Lord. They choose the fleeting power, prestige, and pleasures of this life instead of the eternal life God offers those who receive his Son. What is your choice?
1. What were his strengths and accomplishments?
a) High priest for 18 years.
2. What were his weaknesses and mistakes?
a) One of those most directly responsible for Jesus' death.
b) Used his office, as a menas to power and personal security.
c) Planned Jesus' capture, carried out his illegal trial, pressured Pilate to approve the Crucifixion, attempted to prevent the Resurrection, and later tried to cover up the fact of the Resurrection.
d) Kept up religious appearances while compromising with Rome.
e) Involved in the later persecution of Christians.
3. What can we learn from his life?
a) God uses even the twisted motives and actions of his enemies to bring about his will.
b) When we cover selfish motives with spiritual objectives and words, God will sees our intentions.
4. What are the key verses?
a) 49 Then one of them, named Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, spoke up, “You know nothing at all! 50 You do not realize that it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” (John 11:49-50 NIV)
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