1. Grace for the Moment

a) "Grace for the Moment" is a collection of thoughts that are inspirational. They are intended to encourage, to give hope, and to inspire the viewers.

b) Reading a thought can change the way you think about something.

2. Scripture Verse

i) 1 John 1:9 New Century Version (NCV)

But if we confess our sins, he will forgive our sins, because we can trust God to do what is right. He will cleanse us from all the wrongs we have done.

3. Thoughts

a) "If we confess our sins..." The biggest word in Scriptures just might be that two letter one, if. For confessing sins - admitting failure - is exactly what prisoners of pride refuse to do.

b) "Me a sinner? Oh sure, I get rowdy every so often, but I'm a pretty good ol' boy."

c) "Listen, I'm just as good as the next guy, I pay my taxes..."

d) Justification, Rationalization. Comparison... The sound good. They sound familiar. They even sound American. But in the kingdom, they sound hollow...

e) When you get to the point of sorrow for your sins, when you admit that you have no other option,... then cast all your cares on Him for He is waiting. 
