(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Family

a) God's design, the relationship between husband and wife is actually the first family unit. We can read about the relationship in Genesis 2:15-25 and 3:1-21. This, of course, is the creation account of the first man and woman: Adam and Eve.

b) In Genesis 1:27-29 God blessed Adam and Eve and told them to be fruitful and multiply and the children that Adam and Eve had made the family unit larger. When those children got married another family unit is formed. When a husband and wife take another's child into their home to raise, that child becomes family through adoption.

c) All generations of families can be traced back to that first family in the Garden. The body of believers is called the Church or the Family of God because by God’s grace all humankind can be adopted into His eternal family. Take a look at some uplifting Scripture quotes about family. 

2. Blessings Of Children

Proverbs 31:28-29 
Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” 

The End ...
