(Message by Tanny Keng)

1. Self Esteem

a) The importance of self esteem is taught clearly in the Bible. An unfruitful life can result from low self esteem. A poor self image makes a poor servant of God.

2. Poor Self Image Of Moses

a) Moses did not have a proper regard himself. Moses thought too little of himself, simply because he didn't listen to God. God had told Moses, "I am. sending you to bring my people out of Egypt" That word of God to Moses, showed God's high regard for Moses. That word was the true standard by which Moses ought to have measured himself.

b) The low regard which Moses held for himself, almost stopped him serving God as Israel's leader. 'Who am I, that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?", he complained. "What if they will not listen to me? I have never been a man of words; I am slow of speech" (Exodus 3:1-11, Ephesians 4:1-17).

c) God was angry with Moses because of this. Moses should have shown as much faith in himself as God had shown in him.

The End ...
